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The Four Ps of Marketing

The Four Ps of Marketing InteractivityMarketing professionals research and develop product marketing based on customers. They study something called the marketing mix, or the 4 Ps of Marketing. These 4 Ps analyze the impact of their marketing. Learn more about the factors that professionals use in the Marketing Career Cluster in this interactivity. Click the player button to begin.

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Generation Like: How “Likes” Become Money

Generation Like: How “Likes” Become Money Video

People in the Marketing Career Cluster often use social media to learn about customers. This helps them make informed decisions on how to appeal to consumers. View the video Generation Like: How “Likes” Become Money from eMediaVA℠. You will learn how your behaviors online help companies earn money. Click the player button to begin.

Workplace Skills for Marketing Careers

In the Marketing Career Cluster, people interact with other employees in their companies and the general public. They need Listening and Speaking skills to be successful. This means listening attentively and asking questions to clarify meaning. It also means communicating ideas clearly in a manner appropriate for the setting and audience. Marketing professionals also need to have Information Literacy. This means locating information efficiently and evaluating the credibility and relevance of sources and facts. These workers use information effectively to complete work-related tasks.

Career Connection: Global Brand Manager

Global Brand Manager Video

Take a moment to learn about Sara Diniz. She is a Global Brand Manager in the Marketing Career Cluster for Procter & Gamble. In the eMediaVA℠ video Global Brand Manager, you will explore how Diniz’s passion for other cultures and her ability to speak other languages has enabled her to work with consumers. Her studies in business have grown an admirable portfolio for work. Click the player button to begin.

Career Connection: Promotional Events Coordinator

Promotional Events Coordinator Video

Next, view the video Promotional Events Coordinator from eMediaVA℠. You will meet Caylor Escalante, Events Coordinator for the Cincinnati Reds. He explains how his father’s encouragement played a role in his career. He will also discuss how his high school coursework and internships put him on a career path in the sporting industry. Click the player button to begin.

Growth of the Marketing Career Cluster

By the year 2024, there will be approximately 475,600 people in Marketing careers in Virginia. There may be a 7% increase in the number of professionals needed in the Marketing Career Cluster. This is 2% higher than the national average. Two more marketing careers expecting growth are marketing managers and public relations specialist. Marketing managers will lead promotional campaigns. Public relations specialists will support people using social media.

Marketing Pathways

Marketing Pathways InteractivityThe Marketing Career Cluster has five different career pathways. In this interactivity, learn about each of these pathways. You will explore descriptions, sample job titles, salaries, and required education. Click the player button to begin.

View a printable version of the interactivity or an ADA compliant transcript.

Virginia Department of Education's Career Planning Guide

Are you interested in learning more about the occupations shown in the five pathways in the Marketing Career Cluster? Visit the Virginia Department of Education's Marketing Career Planning Guide to explore these pathways and careers in more detail.

Get Started: Clubs and Organizations

To prepare for this career cluster, there are clubs and organizations you can join to get started. You may want to join the Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA). This club prepares students to work in finance, hospitality, management, and marketing. You may also want to join Junior Achievement USA™. This volunteer-based club focuses on preparing students to succeed in the workplace. It also helps develop financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills.

Gift Shop Introduction
Gift Shop Quiz