Park Gate
Tips for Quality Customer Service
The goal of most businesses is to make customers happy and coming back again and again. People in the Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster practice providing high-quality customer service. In this interactivity, you will learn four customer service tips. Click the player button to begin.
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Capitalizing on Tourism
People travel for a variety of reasons. Those reasons include recreation experiences, shopping, and spending time with their families. In 2016, travelers spent $2.7 billion a day in the United States. The Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster is closely tied to the economy. When the economy is doing well and people are making a lot of money, they spend more on leisure activities like eating out and going on vacations.

One of the newest travel trends is adventure tourism. View the video Ecotourism: If You Don’t Build It, They Will Come, from eMediaVA℠. You will discover how North Dakota has capitalized on their state’s beauty. The current needs of travelers are a key source of income for the state. As you watch the video, think about whether tourism is a big part of your community. Click the player button to begin.
Workplace Skills for Hospitality and Tourism Careers
In addition to other workplace skills, careers in the Hospitality and Tourism Career Cluster require Customer Service Orientation. This means anticipating and addressing the needs of customers and coworkers. It also means providing thoughtful, courteous, and knowledgeable service. Most individuals in these professions also work as part of a team, whether it is in a kitchen, at a hotel, or at an attraction. Teamwork is needed to get the job done to the satisfaction of all involved. Teamwork is sharing responsibility for collaborative work and respecting the thoughts, opinions, and contributions of other team members.
Career Connection: Culinary Chef

Take a moment to learn how culinary chefs develop their craft. In this eMediaVA℠ video, you will discover the intricate skills it takes to succeed in this position. Those skills include how to communicate with colleagues from different cultures, understand culinary terminology from around the world, and learn every day in a fast paced environment. Click the player button to begin.
Career Connection: Hospitality Management

Next, view the video, Career Connections: Hospitality Management, from eMediaVA℠. You will discover how managers in this career cluster need to hone in on skills like financial literacy, fine arts, and world languages to become successful. Click the player button to begin