Cascades Park
Financial Literacy

Before you learn more about the Finance Career Cluster, take a few minutes to learn some basic economics terms. View the video Financial Literacy: On the Money! from eMediaVA℠. In this video, an economics teacher explains basic financial concepts to a group of teenagers. Like you, they are learning about finance. Click the player button to begin.
Budgeting for a Business
Budgeting for yourself is a big responsibility. Creating a budget for a business is even more complicated. Companies rely on their employees to adhere to a strict budget to grow and make a profit. Join Sam as he explains how to develop a balanced business budget in five steps. Click the player button to begin.
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Workplace Skills for the Finance Career Cluster
The Finance Career Cluster requires the use of Mathematics, or applying mathematical skills to complete tasks as necessary. This skill is part of many finance jobs, including being capable of developing and adhering to a budget, helping customers deposit and withdraw money, or checking financial records for accuracy. In addition, those in the Finance Career Cluster should exhibit Integrity, or complying with laws, procedures, and workplace policies, as well as demonstrating honesty, fairness, and respect. Since much of the financial field is heavily regulated by the government, professionals must exhibit integrity with finances and customers that they serve.
Career Connections: Fiscal Analyst

Take a moment to view the video Career Connections: Fiscal Analyst from eMediaVA℠. Explore the work done by Chad Mitchell, a Budget Director at a university. His work supports the fiscal goals set by senior management. Click the player button to begin.
Career Connections: Financial Coach

Next, view the video, Career Connections: Financial Coach, from eMediaVA℠, to discover how Michelle Gorsuch teaches clients at a community center how to set and reach financial goals, and make responsible decisions related to money. Click the player button to begin.