Park Security
As Caleb and Makayla hurry to line up for another ride, Makayla realizes she lost her wallet. She stops in her tracks. In this interactivity, you will meet a helpful security officer. He works at the park. Click the player button to begin your exploration of the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster.
View a printable version of the interactivity or an ADA compliant transcript.
Essential Questions
As you explore Park Security, make sure to consider these Essential Questions:
- What diverse careers are available in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster?
- How can you begin planning for a career in the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster?

Get started in your exploration of the Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security Career Cluster. Play the game Pathway Ring Toss. Read each job description and see if you can guess which pathway it belongs to. Drag and drop the ring onto the post with the associated pathway. At the end, pick out your prize! Click the player button to get started.