Modeling Real-World Situations

Modeling Real-World Situations

Modeling Real-World SituationEven though you might not recognize it, algebra is used in real-world situations. You may be using algebra without even knowing it. Modeling real-world situations in algebra is very similar to translating verbal expressions. In this interactivity, learn how to model real-world situations that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Click the player button to begin.

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Modeling Real-World Situations Review

Self-check IconModeling Real-World Situations ReviewNow that you have learned how to model real-world situations, it is time to test your knowledge. This interactivity will help you review the information covered throughout this topic. Click the player button to get started.




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Did you answer the content review questions incorrectly? Do you want more instruction or extra practice? If so, view the video Modeling Real-World Situations from eMediaVASM.