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dropbox icon In the last topic on graphing linear functions, we examined four distinct expressions of linear functions:

   •    Table of values (or solutions)
   •    Graph
   •    Equation (or “rule”) in mathematical symbols
   •    Word problem

A single linear relationship may be expressed in any, or all, of these means.

Consider a waiter at a restaurant. The waiter is paid a flat, weekly salary of $100.00, and 80% of all the tips received (20% of the tips are reserved for the staff setting and cleaning the tables).

Using this word problem: (a) determine the equation of the function for the total weekly pay received by the waiter; (b) create a table of values; (c) plot selected values from your table; and (d) graph the function.

Click here to answer the word problem. When finished, submit your answers to the dropbox.

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