Laboratory Equipment and Techniques
When participating in chemistry scientific investigations, you will use a variety of laboratory equipment. Some of this equipment has very specific purposes, while other equipment can be used for general functions. In this activity, click on each of the images and arrows to learn more about the laboratory equipment used in a chemistry lab.
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Observing safe practices in a laboratory setting helps to ensure your safety and the safety of others. Two ways you can help reduce the potential for accidents is to adhere to proper laboratory safety guidelines and to follow carefully all scientific investigation procedures. It is also helpful to know what to do in case of an accident in the laboratory.
Safety in the Lab
The most important aspect of safety in the laboratory classroom is good common sense. Keep focused on your experiment and be aware of the hazards in your environment. If you are unsure about something, stop and ask for help. Always keep these safety rules in mind and you will help protect yourself and everyone else in the lab. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to learn more about safety in the laboratory.
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Protection in the Lab
If you are in a laboratory area or participating in a scientific investigation, there are types of protective clothing and eyewear that can reduce your chance of injury. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to learn more about protecting your body in the lab. No matter how unfashionable they may make you feel, these objects can save your life.
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Accidents in the Lab
Unfortunately, accidents happen in the lab. In this interactivity, read each question and then click on the question to learn how to deal with the issue. In every situation, stay calm, and notify your instructor or another adult immediately.
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