

Microorganisms InteractivityYour body is constantly coming into contact with microorganisms. Some microorganisms, like bacteria, are considered prokaryotes. Other microorganisms are eukaryotes, such as protists and fungi. Impressively, microorganisms make up the greatest number and diversity of living organisms on Earth. In this interactivity, explore the different microorganisms, their characteristics, and how they affect the human body. Click the player button to begin.

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Germ Theory

Germ Theory InteractivityFor thousands of years, people believed that sickness came from the strangest things. Some people even believed that bathing on a regular basis could make you sick. Scientists Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch cleared the myths and set the record straight. They discovered that pathogens were the cause of people’s illnesses. In this interactivity, investigate the discoveries of Pasteur and Koch and their contributions to germ theory. Click the player button to begin.

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The Role of Bacteria

Sketch of bacteria in the gutEven though Pasteur and Koch identified pathogenic microorganisms that humans combat on a daily basis, bacteria are very important to the living world. People need bacteria, especially in our bodies. You have special bacteria in your body that help you break down food and absorb important vitamins. Scientists use bacteria to produce medicines, foods, and chemicals.

Bacteria also play a role in supporting the environment. Photosynthetic bacteria produce a large quantity of Earth’s oxygen supply. Other bacteria decompose organic material, allowing it to be reused and cycled through the environment. Bacteria also play a role in nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen, the most abundant element in the atmosphere, has to be “fixed”, or converted into usable forms for plants and animals. These bacteria live on the roots of certain plants and converts the nitrogen in the soil. Once it is converted, the usable nitrogen supports the plants growth and development.

Digital Repository IconScientists are still trying to understand the benefits of the relationships between plants and soil bacteria. Scientists are hoping to find ways to use the bacteria to protect crops and produce higher yielding crops. Watch Harnessing Microbials from eMediaVASM to learn how scientists are studying soil bacteria in order to find new innovative ways to use them in agriculture.


Microorganisms Review

Self-Check IconMicroogranisms ReviewNow that you have explored microorganisms, review your knowledge. In this non-graded activity, read the directions associated with each question and provide the correct response. Click the player button to get started.