Subphylum Vertebratae

An iguanaNow that you have learned about vertebrates, create an acrostic poems that describes fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals. An acrostic poem uses the first letter of each line to spell out a word or a message pertaining to a theme.

Here is an example of an acrostic poem using the word VERTEBRATES:

Vertebrates are animals with a backbone
Eyes and ears are found in all classes.
Rubber-like cartilage is found in some fish.
Thrive in all types of environments.
Endothermic organisms are warm-blooded.
Bilateral symmetry is shared by all vertebrates.
Reptiles lay eggs and have dry scaly skin.
Amphibians have moist skin.
Tissues are found in all vertebrates.
Exothermic organisms are cold-blooded
Some have scales, some have skin, some have feathers, while others have fur.

Using the Vertebrates Acrostic Poem Template, write an acrostic poem with using two of the following words: FISH, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, BIRDS, or MAMMALS. Your poems should describe some of the concepts that you learned in this topic. Use your creativity, and also ensure your poems make sense, and are descriptive. When creating your poems, use the following guidelines:

  • Your poems must include facts about invertebrates that you studied in this topic.
  • Each line must have a word, phrase, or sentence associated with it, so any “leftover” letters are for personal reflections.
  • Your poems do not need to rhyme.

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