The Origins of Genetics

Mendel and Genetics

Mendel and GeneticsGregor Mendel is considered the father of genetics because of his groundbreaking research and experiments that linked the expression of genes to offspring by using mathematical probability and chance. Mendel’s meticulous work and careful observation were instrumental to the student of genetics. His work was completed at time when genes, chromosomes, and DNA were yet to be discovered. In this interactivity, learn about Mendel and his contributions to genetics. Click the player button to begin.

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Genome, Genotype, and Phenotype

Genome, Genotype, PhenotypeThe study of genetics continued after the work of Gregor Mendel. Scientists were able to determine that chromosomes in a eukaryotic cell’s nucleus contained DNA. The DNA was made up of small sections called genes. Genes combines to determine the traits an organism expressed. The field of genetics expanded and scientists determined that the majority of organisms have a unique genotype and phenotype. In this interactivity, learn about genes, genome, genotype, and phenotype. Click the player button to begin.

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zebrasGenome 10K Project

Digital Repository IconYou may be wondering why it is important to study genetics, in particular the genome of individual organisms. Being able to study the genetic diversity of a large quantity of organisms would provide scientists with a better understanding of how and why genetic variation occurs. Launched in August of 2009, the Genome 10K Project aims to study the genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species by assembling a “genomic zoo”. View Creating a Genomic Zoo from eMediaVASM to learn about the Genome 10K Project and its goals.

Probability and Punnett Squares

Probability and Punnett SquaresAfter Mendel’s experiments were widely known and accepted, a geneticist named R. C. Punnett developed the Punnett square. Using a simple grid system, Punnett was able to predict all of the possible genotypes resulting from a cross. By analyzing the grid system, the probability of an inherited trait can be determined. In this interactivity, learn how to predict the probability of inherited traits using a Punnett Square. Click the player button to begin.

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The Origins of Genetics Review

Self-Check IconOrigins of Genetics ReviewReview your knowledge of the origins of genetics in this non-graded activity. Read the directions associated with each question to provide the correct responses. Click the player button to get started.