Parts of the Nervous System
The nervous system is the supervisor of the body, directing it on how to stay safe, maintain homeostasis, and function properly. In order to gain an understanding of how the nervous system functions, you need to examine each of its different components. In this interactivity, you will study the various parts of the nervous system. Click the player button to begin.
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Parts of a Neuron
The smallest unit of the nervous system is the neuron. Billions of these branch-like cells make up the entire nervous system. Neurons carry messages, or nervous impulses, to different parts of your body. This system allows your brain to control your movement, speech, and function. There are different types of neurons, but all neurons have certain features in common. This interactivity will examine the neuron structure. Click the player button to begin.
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The Endocrine System
The endocrine system is a set of glands that produce critical hormones that your body needs to regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, and sleep. Hormones are chemical messengers that are secreted into the blood, making them slower to communicate messages than the neurotransmitters of the nervous system. Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that occur in the body in order to maintain life processes. In this interactivity, you will learn more about the endocrine system. Click the player button to begin.
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The Nervous System Review
Now that you have learned about the nervous system, check your understanding. In this non-graded interactivity, read each statement and select the correct response. Click the player button to get started.