Module 5: Chemical Quantities and Composition

Girl with open mouthA Mouthful of Moles Scientific Investigation Design and Implementation

Authentic Assessment iconChemists regularly start an investigation with an endpoint in mind and attempt to reach that endpoint through experimentation. In this activity, you will need to design a scientific investigation to determine how atoms of hydrogen and oxygen that you can fit in your mouth.

Part One - Scientific Investigation Design

You must first determine how many moles of water you can fit in your mouth. Write out a scientific investigation in detail and submit it to your instructor for approval. Your plan must include details about the scientific investigation that you are going to perform, including:

  • A title
  • An introduction
  • Objectives
  • A hypothesis
  • Any equipment and materials that you will use
  • A procedure and plans for data collection
  • An area to collect data
  • Data analysis, including the following calculations:
    • The number of molecules of water that you can fit in your mouth
    • The percent of the water molecules that are hydrogen, and the percent that are oxygen
    • The number of oxygen atoms and hydrogen atoms that can fit in your mouth
  • An area for you to provide a conclusion
  • An area for you to provide any experimental sources of error

Before you begin your scientific investigation design, review the Mouthful of Moles Scientific Investigation Checklist to make sure that you have included all of the required parts of the assignment. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Assignment iconOnce you have completed your scientific investigation design, please submit your work to the dropbox and wait for approval from your instructor before you get started.


Part Two - Scientific Investigation Implementation

Assignment iconAfter receiving approval on your scientific investigation design, complete the scientific investigation. You should make sure to show any of your work associated with the calculations that you use, and all calculations should include dimensional analysis.Once you have completed your scientific investigation and required calculations, please submit your work to the dropbox.


Exam icon
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.