Calculating Empirical and Molecular Formulas

A plate of cookiesEmpirical Formulas are SWEETER! Problem Set

Problem Set iconIn the scientific investigation that you completed in the previous topic, you calculated the molar mass of a variety of compounds containing wafers and cream. For this problem set, you will use the data you collected about the molar mass of the "cookium" compound, as well as the mass of the wafer and cream atoms, to answer the questions below. Make sure to completely answer each question and to show all of your work.

This activity is available below or in a printable version.

  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 11.88 grams of Wafer and 6.84 grams of Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 39.15% Wafer and 60.85% Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 7.92 grams of Wafer and 3.42 grams of Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 74.32% Wafer and 25.68% Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 19.80 grams of Wafer and 23.94 grams of Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 48.09% Wafer and 51.91% Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 19.80 grams of Wafer and 10.26 grams of Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?
  1. The cookie compound that you are to construct should contain 53.66% Wafer and 46.34% Cream.  What is the chemical formula for this cookie compound?

Assignment IconOnce you have completed your Empirical Formulas are SWEETER! problem set, please submit your work to the dropbox.