
PlayerEnergy can be used in a balanced equation, along with the mole ratio of the compounds for use in stoichiometry. You can use the enthalpy of formation to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for a given reaction. What actual energy change occurs if a reaction takes place using specific masses? View this presentation to learn how to calculate the energy change if specific masses undergo a chemical reaction.

View a printable version of the interactivity.



a petrochemical refinery and students using mobile phones

In the top image, you can see a petrochemical refinery.
In the bottom image, students use mobile devices.
Plastics made from petrochemicals are found in the
cases, components, and packaging of these phones.

Organic Chemistry iconIn the interactivity above, you explored thermostoichiometric calculations for several carbon-based compounds, including methane, butane, and octane. Along with propane, butane and octane are considered important petrochemicals. Naturally occurring petrochemicals are petroleum-based and natural gas-based chemicals that are made of long chains of carbon and hydrogen compounds called hydrocarbons. These petrochemicals are the foundation of energy resources throughout the world. You may already know that petrochemicals are found in gasoline for cars, jet fuel, coal, asphalt, and manufacturing, but some of its other uses may surprise you. Plastics are made from petrochemicals and can be found in toys, clothing, pens, electronics, water bottles, packaging, and more. This means that these objects contain organic chains of carbon as part of their ingredients. Scientists believe that petrochemicals were formed from the organic matter of marine organisms thought to have lived over 500 million years ago. Petrochemicals are found buried deep in the ground, extracted through mining or drilling, and then processed in factories called refineries.

Petrochemical resources are non-renewable or finite, which means that they do not replace themselves at a rate that can be sustained over a long period of time. The creation of these fuels occurs over millions of years. Today, science and industry have combined forces to be more efficient in the ways in which these fuels are used, as well as create or discover alternate sources of energy capable of supporting Earth's energy needs.


Thermostoichiometry Review

Review ImageSelf Check IconNow that you have learned how to solve problems in thermostoichiometry, complete this non-graded activity to check your knowledge. Review each equation, read the question, set-up the dimensional analysis, and solve the problem. Then, enter your answer in the blank space provided and click SUBMIT to check your response. Click on the interactivity thumbnail, and then click NEXT to get started.