Geologists examine a drill core
Earth science is a dynamic subject that incorporates astronomy, geology, meteorology, and oceanography into one science. Earth scientists strive to identify global patterns and address environmental issues. When equipped with a systematic method of investigation, geologists, astronomers, meteorologists, and oceanographers can help people to better understand the Earth and its processes.
In this topic, you learned that geologists focus on examining the physical properties of the Earth. Certain scientists in the field of geology study rocks and minerals, or more dynamic areas, like earthquakes and volcanoes. Like detectives searching for clues, some specialized geologists can even search for ancient life preserved in the rock record. Astronomers observe the night sky searching for the next big discovery. Busy building and experimenting, astronomers are advancing technologies so humans can travel safely into space. Meteorologists predict, or forecast, the weather. This helps prepare people for daily life, as well as extreme weather events. Oceanographers study the ocean water, life, and the structure of the seafloor.
As you learn more about these branches of Earth science, you may decide to focus on a career in one of these areas. Who knows? You may make one of the next major discoveries in this field!