Classification of Marine Species
Everything that lives in the ocean is classified by where it lives and how it moves around. Scientists have identified over 250,000 different marine species. These species range from tiny, microscopic plankton to the largest organisms on the planet, the blue whale. There are three major classifications for all marine organisms. The success of these organisms depends on their ability to avoid predators, find food, and adapt with the environmental conditions. In this interactivity, learn about the three classifications of marine species and view examples of each. Click the player button to begin.
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It is hypothesized that life originated in Earth’s oceans. The early atmosphere of Earth did not contain a protective ozone layer. The ocean water served as a natural barrier for the dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Today, life exists in the ocean where conditions are suitable. View the video Life in the Water by eMediaVA℠ to learn why life exists in certain zones of the ocean.
Marine Life Zones
Marine organisms thrive in a variety of ocean habitats based on their individuals needs and specialized adaptations. The ocean is divided into several marine life zones based on the availability of light, the distance from the shore, and the depth of the water. View this interactivity to learn more about the conditions in each of the marine life zones. Click the player button to begin.
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Ocean Life Review
Now that you have explored ocean life, practice what you have learned. In this non-graded activity, read each question and select the correct response. Click the player button to get started.