Telescopes and Other Tools

Telescopes and Other Tools playerBecause the focus of astronomers' study is so far away from Earth, astronomers must use special tools to observe and measure the nature of the universe. In this interactivity, click on each of the bars in the accordion to learn about some of these tools of observation and measurement. Click the player button to begin.

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The Hubble Space Telescope

Image Courtesy of NASA

The Hubble Space Telescope during its deployment from Discovery in 1990

Since its launch 1990, The Hubble Space Telescope has taught scientists more about the origins and evolution of the universe than any other technology. This advanced technology does not come cheap, though. The Hubble Space Telescope's initial cost was $1.5 billion, but over the years it has cost almost $6 billion in maintenance and upgrades.

Digital Repository iconLearn more about one of modern astronomy's most important tools, the Hubble Space Telescope by watching the video Hubble Space Telescope | Science Trek from eMediaVA℠. As you view the video, consider why space is a good place to put a telescope, as well as how a telescope is repaired when it is already in orbit.


Telescopes and Other Tools Review

Telescopes and Other Tools Review playerSelf-Check iconCheck to see if you know some of the tools that astronomers use to observe and measure objects in the sky. In this non-graded activity, determine if the statement given is True or False. After selecting your answer, click SUBMIT to check your response. Click the player button to get started.