Sun, Earth, and Moon Systems

ballsNow that you have learned about the unique relationships between the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, you will create several models to demonstrate your understanding of the information from this topic. You will need to find three pictures or objects (like balls or caps) to use as your models, as well as a way to record what you create. The size of your models should take into account the relative sizes of the Sun, Earth and Moon. Using the eight situations below as a guide, place your items or pictures in the appropriate arrangements. You can record the arrangements using a camera, mobile device, or by sketching them. You may also use modeling or graphics software to create your model.

Using the items of your choosing, you will need to create the following arrangements with the objects representing the Sun, Earth, and Moon.:

  • Summer
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Fall
  • Spring Tide
  • Neap Tide
  • Solar Eclipse
  • Lunar Eclipse

Once you have captured all eight arrangements, please submit your pictures or graphics to the dropbox.