
Soil Formation

Soil Formation Soil can take millions of years to fully develop. It is necessary for the cultivation of agriculture and vegetation, which makes it very important to human survival on Earth. Soil is a mixture of clay particles, rock fragments, organic material, water, and air found at the surface of the Earth. To fully appreciate soil, it is necessary to understand how it is created. View this interactivity to learn more about the formation of soil. Click the player button to begin.

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Soil Profile

Soil Profile playerAll mature soils have at three layers called horizons. The horizons form at different rates and stages. Each horizon has its own unique characteristics. These unique horizons are studied in a large section called a soil profile. Soil scientists actually dig a large enough hole to study the entire profile to gain a better understanding of soil formation. View this interactivity to learn about the different horizons that exist in a soil profile. Click the player button to begin.

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Soil Conservation

Soils make up only a small percentage of all of the materials found on Earth. What would happen if soils were allowed to erode? Erosion decreases the fertility of soils. This loss of fertile soil is becoming a major problem in many areas of the world. In order to decrease soil erosion, soils must be protected through methods of soil conservation. Roll your cursor over each of the soil conservation methods shown below to learn more about how soil is protected from erosion.

Ground CoverTerracing
Wind Breaks
Contour Plowing

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Soils Review

Self-check IconSoils ReviewNow that you have investigated soils, practice what you have learned. In this non-graded activity, read the directions associated with each question to provide the correct responses. Click the player button to get started.