Geologic Timeline
A lot has happened in 4.6 billion years! Now that you have explored geologic time, you will create a timeline that illustrates many of the major events that paleontologists use to divide Earth’s history. In the table below, you will find fourteen different events listed. You should organize the events in chronological order on your timeline. Each event should include a short description, an appropriate date in millions of years, and an appropriate label and image that corresponds to each event.
Since this is your interpretation of these events, be creative and make sure to illustrate the different events accordingly. You can design your timeline horizontally, vertically, or in another format, as long as it is well-organized.
Your timeline should include the following events:
Before you begin, access the Geologic Timeline Checklist so that you understand how your assignment will be graded. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment, so please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.
Options to create your timeline include the following:
Once you have completed your timeline, please submit your work to the dropbox.