Saving to Meet My Needs and Goals

Image of Wall Stree stree signIn other modules, we looked at the importance of saving and how it can affect your financial future. Now we're going to go look at how interest works and delve into the more complex concepts of investing and financial planning.

Risk is one of the most important concepts you need to understand in order to be a successful investor. Since you can't eliminate risk, we'll look at ways to select different investments that can help you manage risk to maximize your investments.

Although investing might seem like a complicated topic that doesn't have much to do with your life right now, it's really something that you should start early so your money can grow, and you can get better at the process. The more experience you have investing, the better you'll understand the process and the greater the likelihood that you'll be successful at it.

You work hard for your money. Wouldn't you like your money to make money for you? Let's get started!

Essential Question

  • How does saving or investing fit into your personal financial plan to meet your goals?