Your Health and Your Life: Get Covered and Rest Assured!

ReporterNow that you know the basics of health and life insurance, you can help inform your peers. For this assignment, imagine that you are a reporter for your local newspaper and that you have been asked to write a news article informing your peers about the different health and life insurance options available to them. You should begin by contacting an insurance representative that sells health and life insurance for assistance. When you communicate with the insurance representative, obtain information about the different health care options that are available through the company for single individuals between the ages of twenty and thirty and ask any questions that you think would be important to a person in that age group. Also, since this article will be written for adults, your writing style should be relevant to that age group, while ensuring that you are providing factual information that will be useful. Be sure to include the following pieces of information in your article:

  • The various health insurance options available
  • The average pricing for health insurance
  • The factors that affect health insurance premiums
  • Other health considerations and which policy you would choose
  • The different life insurance options available and which one you would choose

Before you begin, review the Health Insurance News Article Checklist so that you understand how your assignment will be graded. Since you will use resources outside of this course, please be sure to properly cite those resources with an accompanying bibliography. Information on how to cite resources can be found in the Developmental Module.

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Once you have completed your news article, submit your assignment to the dropbox.