Housing - Rent or Buy?

housing imageSo, you are ready to move out and get a place of your own.  How much money will you need to get a place of your own?  For your first residence, you will more than likely rent an apartment.  A house is usually too expensive to rent or buy for a first-timer!  There are many things you need to know about obtaining housing.  People often make decisions to rent or buy many different things such as housing, furniture, electronics, and equipment.  When you make these decisions, it is important that you consider how long you will own the item and the total cost of buying vs. renting.  Each option has positives and negatives.  You’ll need to consider your lifestyle and your individual needs when making these decisions.  Deciding whether to rent or buy is a huge financial decision.  Don't make that decision alone.  Get all the facts and ask for help.  Talk to your friends and family, and do some research

Rent or Buy Interactivity

Rent or Buy?

This presentation will explore the the relative advantages and disadvantages of renting or buying your home. Click the player button to begin.

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Renting Interactivity


In this presentation, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of renting an apartment compared to renting a house. Click the player button to begin.

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The Buying Process Interactivity

The Buying Process

This presentation covers mortgages and the important financial decisions that home buyers must make. Click the player button to begin.

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Calculating Living Expenses Interactivity

Calculating Living Expenses

Other financial expenses related to home ownership are highlighted in this presentation. Click the player button to begin.

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