Identity Theft PSA
Have you ever seen a public service announcement when watching TV, or heard one on the radio? Public service announcements (or PSAs) are advertisements used by the government and non-profit organizations to raise awareness of an issue or encourage people to take action to make an improvement in their community. An effective PSA is one that appeals to a target audience, informs the listener, and provides a call to action.
Pretend that you have been asked by the Federal Trade Commission to create an radio public service announcement for teenagers about identity theft. Your one to two minute audio PSA should identify at least three of the methods that criminals use to steal personal information and instruct teenagers on how to avoid identity theft. You will need to conduct research for statistics or other information that you find persuasive, and you will need to properly cite any external resources that you use in a separate document submitted along with your PSA.
For this assignment, you should use audio recording software provided to you by your school or free audio recording software available online. Before you begin, review the Identity Theft PSA Rubric so that you understand how your assignment will be graded.
Once you have completed your PSA, please submit your audio file and works cited document to the dropbox.