Organizing Your Portfolio

Wordle SampleDigital Portfolio iconKnowing who you are, your skills, and your goals provides the foundation of your digital portfolio.  In addition, knowing what work samples to include and how to organize them will aid in creating a well-structured and seamless portfolio that reveals the true you!

URL iconIn this assignment, you are to create a Wordle™ with words relating to what would make an exceptional digital portfolio, and what you should include within the digital portfolio. Think of as many words as you can that relate to the digital portfolio. Make a list of these words. Once you have your list, visit the Wordle™ website to make a Wordle™ of your words. Your Wordle™ should include a minimum of ten words. Generate your Wordle™ and edit it to suit your preferences. Be creative! Then, save a copy of your Wordle™ image.

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Once you have completed your assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.