There have been many weather-related disasters in recent years. Who can forget the horrific images and news stories about the earthquakes in Haiti in 2010, the flooding in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011, or the devastation of Superstorm Sandy on the northeast United States in 2012? In the first half of 2013 alone, torrential rainfall and flooding in southwest China, Northern India, Australia, and Southeast Germany caused thousands of deaths and billions of dollars in damage. In the United States, a record number of tornado outbreaks wreaked havoc on the Midwest.
Stories of a great flood are common across many cultures and geographic regions. For this assignment, research any scholarly or scientific article, news story, personal narrative or memoir, or other piece of nonfiction written about a storm, flood, or water-related disaster. After identifying and reading about this flooding event, think back to the flood stories that you read in this topic. Select one story from this topic to compare and contrast with the flood story that you identified in your research. What story elements are the same? What events are different? Are there similar archetypes? Create a Venn diagram to illustrate this information.
Your diagram should include two circles that overlap in the middle and are each labeled with the story titles. For each story's individual circle, list three unique characteristics. Then, list three characteristics that the two stories share in the area in which the circles overlap. See the diagram on this page for an example.
Make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit, including a list of all of your sources on your organizer. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.
Once you have completed this assignment, please submit your Venn Diagram to the dropbox.