Roles and Perception

Women on ComputerA part of discovering self is dealing with conflicting thoughts on your roles in society.  These roles come from perceptions of self and society’s perception of self.  Many of your roles and your perceptions stem from race, gender, social and economic status, and beliefs; however, a part of discovering your true self is not succumbing to the roles placed upon you based on society’s standards, but instead, basing your roles on what you value, your experiences, and your ultimate goals.

In this topic, you will read texts that will focus on those who are pressured to adhere to the roles and perceptions that have been placed on them by society.  In these reflective pieces, you will hear the voices of women who were oppressed by society’s standards.

Essential Questions

  • How do you come to understand your roles in today’s society?
  • How are other’s perceptions influential in how you view yourself?