Fear and Disappointment


Fear: Intense emotions and anxiety stemming from the thought of impending danger, apprehension, dread, or nervousness. Fear clouds judgment; it can be limiting; it can stop growth.  Fear is something that you will encounter as you go throughout life.  Being fearful can sometimes act as a hindrance because it creates doubt and it can slow your momentum.  Fear also provides insight on who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing. 

Another aspect of life that you will experience is disappointment.  Disappointment is defined as the feeling of failure - to dishearten. Disappointing situations can cause us to shut down and never pursue our dreams.  However, disappointment is a necessary part of life.  It builds character as well as strength.  You gain your best life lessons from experiencing disappointment, and you learn more about who you are.  As you move into this topic, you will focus on fear and disappointment, the impact they create, and how you can overcome them.

Essential Question

  • How can you overcome obstacles of fear and disappointment in order to move forward with your journey to self-discovery?