Writing Focus - The Persuasive Essay

Writing a Persuasive Essay

Writing a Persuasive Essay InteractivityWhen constructing a piece of writing, you must have a focus, purpose, audience, and desired outcome. Being aware of these elements is the first step in crafting a strong piece of writing. In composing essays, your ideas should always be structured and organized. As you write a persuasive essay, your ideas should be structured in a way that clearly reflects your purpose, addresses the counterclaims, and provides a call to action. In this interactivity, read the introduction and use the previous and next buttons or click each step to learn the proper way to structure a persuasive essay. Click the player button to get started.

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Writing a Persuasive Essay Review

Self-Check IconWriting a Persuasive Essay ReviewIn this non-graded interactivity, read the statement about the parts of a persuasive essay. Then, enter the appropriate answer from the word bank in the blank space provided and click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.



Topic Vocabulary

grammar iconAs you explored the content in this topic, you came upon some vocabulary with which you may not have been familiar. Part of becoming a better writer is to learn new words and practice using those words in your own writing. Review the root words and vocabulary from the module found in the chart below. In the following activity, you will create a chart like the one shown. Using the four words, word roots, and definitions provided, you will need to find another word that uses the same root. Then, you will need to find a definition and compose a sentence using each new word. Refer to the words listed and the example provided below to aid in creating these sentences.

Root Definition Word and Definition Word with the Same Root Definition and Sentence
art- skill artisan (noun) - a person skilled in a craft    
counter- opposite, contrary, opposing counterclaim (noun) - a claim used to oppose another claim    
loqu, loc speak elocution (noun) - the art of public speaking    
log- idea, word, speech, reason logic (noun) - correct reasoning    


Root Definition Word and Definition Word with the Same Root Definition and Sentence
locu, loc speak elocution (noun) - the art of public speaking loquacious

Definition - talkative

Sentence - The teacher made Sally sit at the front of the classroom because she was so loquacious.

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Once you have completed your vocabulary chart, please submit it to the dropbox.