Things Fall Apart, Chapter One

In Chapter One, you were introduced to the protagonist, the tragic hero. Not the typical tragic hero, Okonkwo holds a position of nobility within the village that does not come from being a prince or king. Okonkwo’s nobility is of his own making based on his deep-seated fear of turning out like his father, Unoka. Besides being the best wrestler as far back as anyone can remember, Okonkwo's other evidence for wealth and success include having multiple wives, barns full of yams, titles, and the well-earned right to "eat with kings," as the proverb says.

The mores of this culture include the tribe's value of language and the importance of stature within the village. Proverbs are used frequently throughout the tribe. It is through these proverbs that you learn about ideals such as recreation as they gather in the full moonlight and the value of hard work in the Ibo.