Many questions are unanswered as you begin Part Three of Things Fall Apart. Okonkwo is exiled and wants to get back to his tribal way of life. Will he ever be able to return to a “normal” Ibo lifestyle? You find out that Umuofia has changed in seven years. The population of white men has grown and so has their influence, rules, and government. With these changes comes a change in the treatment of the white men toward the tribes; they become harsh and arrogant. Will Okonkwo return to his old way of life? Will he regain more titles for his sons? Or is his old way of life gone forever?
Read Chapters Twenty, Twenty-One, and Twenty-Two of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. As you read, annotate the text for figurative language, specifically looking for examples of similes.
The language of Part Three reflects the darkness descending upon the village and the tribe as a whole. There are a number of similes in these chapters, and each one provides imagery that reflects anger, loss, death, and destruction. For instance, note the examples “It seemed as if the very soul of the tribe wept for a great evil that was coming – its own death” and “The band of egwugwu moved like a furious whirlwind to Enoch’s compound and with a machete and fire reduced it to a desolate heap.”
The chapters you have just read have a few underlying themes. Did you recognize any of them? These themes are important to help you understand the tragic flaw of Okonkwo. In this interactivity, click on each of the dots or use the previous and next buttonsto learn more about the dominant themes in these three chapters of Things Fall Apart. Click the player button to get started.
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Themes of Chapters Twenty, Twenty-One, and Twenty-Two Review
Now that you have learned about the themes in Chapters Twenty, Twenty-One, and Twenty-Two of Things Fall Apart, you are ready to test your knowledge. In this non-graded interactivity, read the quote and decide under which theme it belongs. Then, select the appropriate theme and click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.