Get Smart

check for understanding iconfemale student talking on phone in front of laptopNow that you have explored ways to "get smart," you will engage in a phone or web-based "check for understanding" with your instructor. This conversation will serve as your Application for this topic and will cover how you have been preparing for the future. During this conversation, your instructor will provide you with a prompt or series of questions about the material that you just learned. Your instructor will expect you to provide detailed information about this topic's content. In order to prepare for this activity, you should make sure that you have:

  1. Read or viewed the material that has been covered in this topic;
  2. Taken notes on any assigned content; and
  3. Reviewed your notes and instructor feedback from previous assignments.

In addition, it is highly recommended that you prepare by making sure you have done the following:

  1. Created goals;
  2. Reflected on your present progress; and
  3. Researched information that could aid in pursuing future goals.

Your instructor may provide you with more details about this assignment. Please contact your instructor to set up a time to talk to him or her via phone or web conference.