Throughout this topic, you learned the differences between well-written and poorly written thesis statements. In this assignment, you are going to write a thesis statement for the career you have chosen. Remember, the thesis statement is the purpose, or focus of your paper. You can view an example of a thesis statement on the image on this page. Before you write your thesis statement, review the following tips for writing a good thesis statement;
Because writing a thesis statement can be difficult for some students, you have the option to write three different statements so that your instructor can give you feedback about which statement to use or how to revise one of the statements to make it more effective. Before you begin, access the Career Thesis Template and Checklist so that you understand the expectations for this assignment.
Once you have completed your Thesis Statements, please submit your work to the dropbox.
Now that you have written your thesis statement, you will engage in a phone or web-based “check for understanding” with your instructor. This conversation will serve as part of your Application for this topic and will allow you and your instructor to discuss the topic of your career research paper. During this conversation, your instructor will provide you with a prompt or series of questions about the material that you just learned. Your instructor will expect you to provide detailed information about this topic’s content. In order to be prepared for this activity, you should make sure that you have:
Your instructor may provide you with more details about this assignment. Please contact your instructor to set up a time to talk to him/her via phone or web conference.