Since you have now revised your paper, you should be ready to edit. Editing should occur after you have completed as many revisions as you are going to complete. In fact, trying to edit before your paper is completely finished will only take up time on portions you might not even end up keeping in your paper. While it is certainly acceptable to fix minor errors as you recognize them, you should save the major editing until the end – making it the last process you complete before submitting.
Common Errors Made in Writing
In this interactivity, click each of the tabs to review some of the common errors made in writing. Of course, there are many other errors, but these should give you some good starting points to help you edit your paper. You will also need to remember to spell check your writing as part of the editing process.
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Editing Review
Your are almost ready to edit your paper. But first, you must test your knowledge. In this non-graded interactivity, read each sentence. Then, select the sentence that is written correctly. To check your answers click SUBMIT. Click the player button to get started.