Modernist writers strove not only to re-invent the plot and characterization but also to write pieces that captured a moment in time. These snapshots most often exposed the social context in regard to the author's experiences. You have learned that literature is not created in a box and that it is reflective of society as well as personal fears and dreams. The literature of the Modernist era showed an array of personal perspectives, yet most of these viewpoints showed characters who look at life thoughtfully and with introspection, or an examination of one's own mental and emotional state. That introspection revealed a great deal about the society in which they lived.
Contemporary authors have been influenced by the Modernist era. Today's writers still play with context and format, taking the blending of fiction and nonfiction to new levels. Contemporary pieces, although more colored with supernatural and technological aspects, are filled with just as much social context. Your job today is to find a current film, novel, or short story that you feel strongly demonstrates Modernist components (concrete images, everyday language, omitted plot points, ambiguous themes, and social context).
Conduct research to find a film, novel, or short story that has obvious Modernist components. View or read the piece, making note of at least three of the following elements of Modernism:
Next, take these points and address them in a creative format in which you can share your findings. You can write an essay, compose a song or poem, design a multimedia presentation, or create any product that you wish that can demonstrate how your chosen work is reflective of the Modernist era. Your product should address at least three of the above elements of Modernism with supporting details. When planning how you will present your Modernism Comparison, it may be helpful to show your product to another person or imagine sharing it with another person. If he or she is confident by your final product that you have a strong understanding of the elements of Modernism and a convincing case that your comparison work is reflective of the Modernist movement, then you are on the right track.
Before you begin the assignment, review the Modernism Comparison Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.
After you have completed the assignment, think about the following questions and write your responses to them. Submit your work to the dropbox when you have completed your reflection.
Once you have completed your Modernism Comparison and reflection, please submit them with the Works Cited document to the dropbox.
Once you have completed the module, please complete the module test.