Duke Ellington, a leading musician of jazz music, receives
the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Nixon in 1969
Harlem, a neighborhood in New York, became the center of African American culture during the 1920s. Artists, performers, musicians, and writers found their creative inspirations and voices, launching the cultural movement known as the Harlem Renaissance. You have seen how the poets of the Harlem Renaissance finally gave a voice to African American heritage. This movement produced some of the most prolific and influential writers like Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay. Their influence is still felt and appreciated today.
Did you save the KWL Chart you filled out in the Warm-Up activity? Please review that KWL Chart and fill in the final column titled "What I Have Learned" with complete sentences describing what you have learned in this topic about the Harlem Renaissance. Be sure to discuss why the Harlem Renaissance was so important. Save this KWL Chart in your journal.