You have learned a great deal about the writing process. Some of it may have been review, and some may have provided new ideas for approaching an assignment. Regardless, you have probably come a long way from the essay you wrote in Module One already!
It is time to revisit that first essay, or another activity your teacher had you complete early in the course. Remember the assignment? Take a moment to read the prompt below to refresh your memory.
When given a class project, some people prefer to work in a group; others prefer to work alone. While group members can divide up tasks evenly and finish the project sooner, an individual does not have to rely on others if working alone. Write an essay in which you explain whether completing a project in a group or individually is better. Develop your argument with clear evidence and specific examples.
Step 1: Re-read your essay, keeping in mind all the components of an effective writing process you have examined throughout this module. Did you follow all the steps? Does your essay have adequate evidence? Do you keep your position consistent? Would your argument truly convince an audience? Are your body paragraphs balanced? Do you have an introduction and conclusion? Does the thesis occur at the end of the first paragraph?
Step 2: Go through your essay again and make comments throughout the paragraphs. You may do this by using a Track Changes tool in your word processing software or by printing out a copy and writing on it with a pen. Create an outline of the essay you wrote. Outlining will help you see where weak parts exist in the essay.
Step 3: Once you have thoroughly examined your essay, incorporate your revisions for submission to the dropbox.
Before you begin, review the Essay Rewrite Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.
Once you have completed your essay, please submit your work to the dropbox.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
After you have completed the assignment, think about the following questions, and write your responses to them. Submit this to the dropbox when you have completed your reflection.
Once you have completed the module, please complete the module test.