Rising Action (Act Two of The Crucible)

Salem Witch TrialsAct One of The Crucible was full of action and information. Do you remember how many people have been accused of witchcraft by the end of the first act? It seems as if Abigail and Betty have started quite a round of defendants. In Act One, you encountered a great number of characters. However, Act Two will focus more on the relationship between John Proctor and his wife, and it will shine a light on what happens when the prominent people of Salem are accused of witchcraft. As you read Act Two, you will learn more about the characters and the development of their conflicts, both internal and external.

In addition to further exploring the development of the characters and conflicts of the play, you will take a look at how the accusations of witchcraft unfold and how the evidence is supplied to support the claims. You will also look at how these new events, the rising action, advance the plot of The Crucible.

Essential Questions

  • What is the rising action of a play?
  • What conflicts and evidence contribute to the accusations against the prominent citizens of Salem?