Historical and Cultural Connections - What is Romantic Literature?

student holding sign "Compare and Contrast"You have now read and examined three diverse pieces of literature from the Romantic Era. Their main commonality is the use of vibrant imagery and a respect for nature and/or life. Using either the tri-circular Venn Diagram or the Venn Pyramid Diagram in the checklist below, complete a compare and contrast between the three pieces. Make sure to include at least one similarity shared by each piece and at least three points unique to each piece. Fill in your answers and include direct quotations from each text whenever possible.

Points to compare and contrast may include:

  • imagery (use of descriptive words and phrases)
  • diction (choice of words and use of language)
  • tone (the author's attitude toward the subject)
  • content (plot or topics)
  • themes (main idea or point)
  • symbols (any images that may represent ideas)
  • voice (style or manner of expression).

When you have completed the Venn Diagram, write a well-developed paragraph explaining how one of the three pieces demonstrates the main points inherent in literature from the Romantic Era. Remember to be specific, give examples, and accurately explain.

Before you begin, review the Compare and Contrast Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.

assignment iconOnce you have completed your Venn Diagram and analysis paragraph, please submit your work to the dropbox.