Condition of Women

students holding a sign with an acrostic poemIn this topic, you read Kate Chopin's short story "A Pair of Silk Stockings" in which the protagonist, Mrs. Sommers, finds a sum of money. Instead of saving that money or spending it on her children as was originally planned, Mrs. Sommers goes on a spending spree. With everything you have learned in this topic about the condition of women in the late 1800s, what do you think of Mrs. Sommers's decision? Is she selfish for the way she spends the money, or do you understand and empathize with her decision to enjoy herself?

In the assignment, consider how you would characterize Mrs. Sommers and create an acrostic poem that expresses your portrayal and interpretation of her character. An acrostic poem uses the first letter of each line to spell out a word or a message pertaining to a theme.

Here is an example of an acrostic poem using the word REALIST:

veryday events and problems
Advocates for the welfare of women and children
Language of local dialects
Influenced by the Civil War
Slave narratives
Twain's use of humor

Using the word template shown below with the word SOMMERS, write an acrostic poem that describes Mrs. Sommers from your perspective. Use your creativity and make sure that your poem makes sense and is descriptive. When creating your poem, use the following guidelines:

  • Your poem must be based on Mrs. Sommers as she appears in Chopin's story.
  • Each line must have a word, a phrase, or a sentence associated with it, so any "leftover" letters are for personal reflections.
  • Your poem does not need to rhyme.

Word Template


Before you begin, review the Acrostic Poem Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

assignment icon
Once you have completed your acrostic poem, please submit your work to the dropbox.