American Modernism was part of a larger international revolution within the arts. Some sources mark the beginning of the American movement at the International Exhibit of Modern Art, also known as the Armory Show, which began in New York City in 1913 and continued in Chicago before ending in Boston. The show, which featured artwork by both European and American artists, was considered "scandalously radical" and provoked much criticism and satire. Americans were not used to art that was abstract or looked anything other than realistic, but the exposure to the innovative art styles inspired a new generation of American artists to redefine artistic expression and create their own modern art.
Take a moment now to go on a virtual field trip to the Amory Show. In this interactivity, click the NEXT button to advance to the next painting. Take some time to study each work, and then select one painting for a more in-depth examination. Once you have chosen the painting that intrigues you the most, write a journal entry in which you respond to each of the following questions below.
View a printable version of the interactivity.
If you need assistance on writing a journal entry, please visit the Developmental Module for more information. Once you have completed your journal entry, please save it with a file name of mod8top1_armoryshow and submit it to the journal dropbox.