
How does the knowledge of symbols and literary symbolism affect your understanding of literature? Were you able to identify any symbols or symbolism in the novel? What meaning did you draw from the symbols you encountered in the reading? How does the use of symbolism contribute to understanding and depth of the novel?

In a well-organized essay, discuss the effectiveness of symbolism in literature and analyze four specific examples of symbolism in your selected novel. While you should focus the introductory paragraph on the definition and importance of symbolism as well as the novel you have selected, you should dedicate a brief paragraph to each of the four symbols in the novel. Please quote passages from the novel where you have identified the symbol and discuss the meaning of the symbol. Explain how or why the object is symbolic and explain the importance or significance to the novel. In other words, how does the symbol add meaning to the story? Does it foreshadow upcoming events, remind the reader of character flaws, or clarify the message or theme of the novel? How does the symbol add more depth to the story than would otherwise exist? Is the symbol effective or ineffective? Make sure to tie together all of your points in a succinct closing paragraph. As always, double check your composition for correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

When selecting the four symbols for analysis, you may choose from the list below and/or identify symbols that are not included on the list. The symbols may come from any of the readings from Topics One through Three.

Symbols in Their Eyes Were Watching God Symbols in Of Mice and Men
  • Janie's Hair or Head Rags
  • The Pear Tree
  • The Horizon
  • The Mule
  • George and Lennie's Farm
  • Lennie's Puppy
  • Candy's Dog
  • Rabbits

Before you begin the assignment, review the Symbolism Essay Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

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