Part One: The Final Paper
Writing is communication. It comes in various forms and serves numerous purposes.
In this module, you wrote a persuasive research paper with the intent to communicate your opinion on a topic to your audience and share your recommendations on the topic. While your intended audience is your instructor, you can also share your research paper with others. When you publish a document, you are sharing your work with someone else in the public. Not all writing will be taken through the publishing stage for mass distribution, but even turning a paper in to your teacher constitutes publishing.
The following criteria will meet the publishing standards for this module:
Below are suggestions for publishing your paper:
Access the Persuasive Paper Rubric and review it to understand how the final version of your persuasive research paper will be graded.
Submit a paragraph to your teacher explaining the choice(s) you would make to publish your work. Also, explain how you have tailored your persuasive piece to a specific public audience, making sure to describe that audience to your instructor. Finally, write a few sentences that describe how you feel about publishing your work.
Once you have completed the final version of your persuasive research paper with your Works Cited page and reflection on publishing, submit all files to the dropbox.
Part Two: The Persuasive Presentation
Now that your final paper has been submitted, you will create and give a presentation that summarizes your stance on your selected topic. There are a number of ways to make a presentation in an online environment. Your instructor might have you make a video of yourself giving the presentation, or you may be asked to make a presentation using web conferencing software. When delivering your presentation, there are a number of techniques that will help you. Click the thumbnail to the left to review effective oral-delivery techniques.
You are now ready to create your presentation. Please review the Persuasive Presentation Checklist for details about the presentation requirements and to review how your presentation will be graded.
Once you have completed your persuasive presentation, submit your file(s) to the dropbox.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.