Writing Focus – The Writing Process

Now that you know the steps of the writing process, stop and consider the process from start to finish. Download The Writing Process Graphic Organizer and use it to complete the steps as they are outlined below. As you follow the steps, consider your personal writing process and how you put it into practice.
- After you have downloaded The Writing Process Graphic Organizer, fill in each of the boxes with the steps of the writing process. Make sure to place the steps in order.
- Place a red circle around the step of the writing process with which you believe you will have the most difficulty. Below the step, compose one to two sentences outlining why you think this step will be difficult for you.
- Place a green circle around the step of the writing process with which you believe you will have the least difficulty. Below the step, compose one to two sentences outlining why you think this step will be easier for you.
- Place a star shape next to the step of the writing process that you consider to be the most important to submitting a quality piece of writing. Below the step, compose one to two sentences outlining why you chose this step as the most important.
Options to complete your graphic organizer include the following:
- Use the organizer template to hand-draw the assignment and then take a picture of it for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
- Use the organizer template to hand-draw the assignment and then scan it for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
- Use the organizer template in a paint or graphics program and utilize the software to create the image. You can then submit your work to the assignment's dropbox.
- Use a mobile or computer-based application to complete the organizer template. Then, email or export the final product for submission to the assignment's dropbox.
Make sure to save and retain a copy of The Writing Process Graphic Organizer after you submit it. This will be the first item that you will include in your digital portfolio. You will reevaluate this document at the end of the course as you wrap up your digital portfolio submission.
Once you have completed The Writing Process Graphic Organizer, please submit your work to the dropbox.