History of the English Language

The HIstory of the English Language playerThe English language has evolved over time. It went through many changes as it transitioned from Old English to Middle English, and then on to Modern English. In this interactivity, click on the green tabs to move through the "book" and learn more about the history of the English language. Click the player button to begin.

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Digital Repository iconHow are words created, and how do they change over time? View the video Everything is AWESOME! from eMediaVA℠ to learn about the origin and evolution of the word "awesome." As you view the video, consider how this relates to other words.


History of the English Language Review

The History of the English Language Review playerSelf-Check iconNow that you have learned about the history of the English language, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each question and select the correct answer. Then, click SUBMIT to check your response. Click the player button to get started.