As the title of this module depicts, literature during the Renaissance Period explored several themes related to love, friendship, and power. For this assignment, you will need to select one of these ideas (love, friendship, or power) and compose a persuasive essay that argues that your selection best describes the the literature from this age. As you create your essay, make sure to reference literary works that you read in this module as support. You are also allowed to add additional literary works from the Renaissance Period if you feel that they will help your position. You should use in-text citations throughout your essay to support your claims.
Make sure to use each of the steps from the writing process in order to create your essay. An effective persuasive essay includes:
Your persuasive essay should be 500 to 750 words in length and should adhere to any formatting guidelines set forth by your instructor. Before you begin, access the Renaissance Persuasive Essay Rubric to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit. You will need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. Please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, please visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you use.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
In this module, you read several different types of literary works - sonnets, pastoral poems, epitaphs, and a drama, just to name a few. Which was your favorite type of work? Do you think you would have enjoyed it as much if it had been written during a different literary period? In a digital document separate from your essay, compose three to four sentences responding to these questions.
Once you have completed your essay, Works Cited document, and reflection, please submit your work to the dropbox.
Once you have completed this module, please complete the module test.