Jack Carter and Edna Thomas
portray Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in 1936
Ever since Macbeth was first performed in the summer of 1606, the play has been portrayed in countless films and theatrical productions. If you were participating in a production of Macbeth, what songs do you think would convey the action and emotion of the plot events?
In this assignment, you will have a chance to create a soundtrack for Macbeth consisting of at least five songs. You must list the songs in the order in which they would appear in the play, indicating the specific acts. You should choose the music carefully, paying close attention to action scenes and when the psychological influences are working on the main characters. Imagine this soundtrack would play at the same time as the scenes are being acted out.
Along with the titles of the songs, you should also include the names of the performers and the year each was produced. Also, include an explanation of at least one paragraph explaining why each song fits into the play and what is occurring while the song is playing.
Before you begin, review the Macbeth Soundtrack Checklist to make sure that you include all of the items required for full credit.
This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.
Once you have completed your soundtrack list, please submit your work to the dropbox.