Victorian Fiction

essay iconJane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë has proven to be such a riveting story that it has been adapted for numerous film, television, radio, and theater reproductions; film versions alone number more than thirty. As you were reading Jane Eyre, you probably had mental images of what the characters and scenery looked like and how the action of the story unfolded. After reading a work of fiction, it is always interesting to see the story adapted to the screen or stage and consider how your mind's image of the story compares to someone else's interpretation. Often, this comparison between different media—text versus screen, stage, or audio—can help you gain further understanding of the work and see it in a new light.

actress Joan Fontaine portrayed Jane in the 1943 film adapation

Actress Joan Fontaine portrayed Jane in the 1943 film adapation

For this topic application, you will compare the novel Jane Eyre with an adaptation made in a different media form, such as a movie or play. When selecting an adaptation of Jane Eyre, keep in mind that you cannot choose an audiobook version of the novel for comparison because an audiobook contains the same text as the original novel and does not interpret the story. Also, you should avoid reviewing a spin-off of Jane Eyre. In other words, avoid works that are inspired by or related to the novel but are not meant to be a portrayal of Brontë's Jane Eyre; such works would include sequels, prequels, fan fiction, or retellings of Jane Eyre from another character's perspective. Your goal is to compare the same story in two different media. Although you should expect differences, the adaptation should be recognizable as Brontë's Jane Eyre. After you have chosen an adaptation of Jane Eyre, contact your course instructor for approval before viewing your selection.

As you explore the adaptation of Jane Eyre, you may want to take notes on how the adaptation differs from the novel. Also, pay attention to your reactions to the adaptation and note any details that affect your interpretation of the novel. After viewing the adaptation, compose a formal essay in which you compare the portrayal of a subject, character, or key scene between the original novel and the adaptation.

In your analysis, you should comment on the following areas:

  • How does the portrayal of a subject, character, or key scene differ from the novel?
  • How is the subject, character, or key scene the same as in the novel?
  • Why do you think the decision was made to make the adaptation faithful or unfaithful to the novel?
  • How might differences in the adaptation affect the interpretation of the novel?
  • Which version of Jane Eyre do you prefer, and why?

Your reaction to the subject, character, or key scene in the two different media will likely play an important role in developing your thesis statement. Your thesis should go beyond simply stating the similarities and differences between the media. Contact your course instructor if you need assistance in refining your thesis statement.

As always, make sure that your essay uses correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Before you begin the assignment, review the Jane Eyre Media Comparison Rubric to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

This assignment might be a work sample that you want to include in your digital portfolio.


assignment iconOnce you have completed your Jane Eyre comparison essay, please submit your work to the dropbox.