Tone, Mood, and Point of View

Motley, similar to that worn by Fortunato at carnival

A motley, similar to that worn by Fortunato at Carnival

Essay iconNow that you have read "The Cask of Amontillado," review your notes about the tone and mood of the story. As you now know, the story is told from the first-person point of view of the vengeful and determined Montresor. For this assignment, you will select your favorite part of the story and rewrite it from Fortunato's first-person point of view.

Your section of the story should be at least 10-12 sentences in length, and should cover the same material described in Poe's version of the story. Since tone and mood are so important to "The Cask of Amontillado," make sure to pay specific attention to the tone and mood of your piece. From Montresor's observations, you know that Fortunato's emotions change greatly throughout the story. Underline or highlight the words in your story that you feel are relaying the tone of your piece. You will want to complete some prewriting activities before you create your story so that you have gathered your thoughts. Before you begin, access the Fortunato's Story Checklist so that you understand how your assignment will be graded.

After you have completed your story segment, respond to the following questions at the bottom of the document:

  • Did changing the point of view of the story change the story in some way?  How?
  • Why did changing the point of view of "The Cask of Amontillado" change the mood of the story?

Assignment icon
Once you have completed your short story excerpt, please submit your work to the dropbox.