Search Engines and Keyword Searches

girl on computerDo you remember the warm-up activity for this lesson? You are going to revisit those topics and the words you listed to conduct Internet searches on those topics.

Download the the Search Engine and Keyword Search Assignment, then choose a search engine and perform two separate keyword searches for each topic. Follow the directions below or on the downloadable document.

For the first search:

  1. Type in the topic as your keyword into the search engine.
  2. Record the first three results on the chart under First Search.

For the second search:

  1. Refine your keyword search from your first search by adding additional words or phrases, and perform the search again with the new term or terms.
  2. Record the first three results reported by the search engine on the chart under Second Search.
  3. Repeat these steps for each topic.

Once you have completed the keyword searches and the table for all the topics, please answer the questions on the Search Engine and Keyword Search Assignment. Refer the to checklist to make sure you have included all necessary items.

assignment iconAfter you have completed the Search Engine and Keyword Search Assignment, please submit your work to the dropbox.